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Below you will find some of the best free Applications which help you download files faster, find apps quicker and generally make the internet a more fun place to be!

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Common name : CommonName simplifies Internet navigation and communication - using names and words to identify websites and email addresses. Say goodbye to: http:// www. .com, .net, .net . Enter a CommonName into your browser's address bar and be taken to the website instantly! Send an email by entering a simple CommonName into the email's address field! Email addresses can be awkward, lengthy, hard to remember and constantly change when you change jobs or ISPs. The solution: Use a CommonName as your email address for life. The benefits are clear: You get to choose the CommonName (no more confusing '@' or '', instead you can use your name) Your CommonName is for life - that's one address you won't have to change! One great feature is that you can schedule delivery of CommonName emails to different accounts (work email: Mon-Fri, home email: weekends). You can also maintain your bookmarks online: you can bookmark your favourite websites as you visit them, and store these Bookmarks online. This means you can access your bookmarks from home, work or anywhere in world. Create notes while you surf: as you visit websites you can make notes for yourself. You'll be reminded of your note the next time you return to the website! AND ITS ALL FREE Download2me Highly Recommended

Click Here to Go to the Common Name Site and Download the software today!

ICQ 2000b popular pick Seek out friends and colleagues on the Internet and communicate with them in real time. OS: Windows 95/98/NT/2000 License: Free


iMesh popular Find, download, and share MP3s, image files, and more. OS: Windows 95/98/NT/2000 License: Free


Download Accelerator popular pick Speed your downloads by up to 300 percent with resume, error recovery, mirror-search, and much more. OS: Windows 95/98/Me License: Free


Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) popular pick Read Adobe PDF files from the Web. OS: Windows 95/98/NT License: Free


GoZilla Free popular pick Download faster, resume broken downloads, and find your favorite files with this powerful download manager. OS: Windows 95/98/NT/2000 License: Free


CuteFTP (32-bit) popular pick Transfer files easily with this popular FTP client. OS: Windows 95/98/NT/2000 License: Demo


WebFerret provides a handy and efficient way to find information on the Web. It's fast, easy to use, and available from your desktop and from the Search Web option. Enter your search words and choose from four radio buttons: All keywords, Any keyword, Exact phrase, or Boolean Expression. WebFerret will use your Internet connection to query popular search engines and will return an unlimited number of hits. You can validate selected results, save your search history, and filter out pornography and foul language. Advanced features let you set the closeness of the match and remove duplicates. The results are returned as a sortable list. Just double-click on a link to bring up your browser and launch the page.




CipherNet Browser
Get this full featured Web browser. It comes with it's own HTML editor too for all you Web design junkies.

HotJava 3.0
Revolutionary Web browser that is created entirely out of Java programming language. There isn't another browser out there like it.

Internet Explorer
Get the latest version, or update your current version of the Web's most popular browser.

Lynx Browser
This is a unique Web browser that does not display graphics, only text. Perfect for those who want a faster surfing experience.

Update your current version, or download a the entire browser. Version 6.0 was just released so grab your copy.

Opera Browser
Get this unique browser used by millions. It used to be shareware, but now is freeware. So download away.


AOL Instant Messenger
Send and receive instant messenges from your friends and family. One of the best chat programs out there.

Now you can chat across Yahoo chat and iChat with this cross-platform chatting software. Download this instead of downloading two different programs!

Excite Chat
You can speak your mind on the Excite network with pictures and words with this full featured chatting program.

iChat Rooms
This download is a plug-in for the Netscape browser that turns it into a complete chat & instant messenger. I knew Netscape was worth more than just browsing the Web.

MSN Messenger
Send instant messeges to your friends with this wildly popular chat program.


007 Write All Stored Passwords
W.A.S.P. for short, is a great utility anyone with a pc should have. Did you forget the actual password behind the asterisks (*), that you have saved on your pc? Well this program solves all. It will display the actual password that is hidden from you.

AC.log Web Log Analyser
Create traffic reports from your Web site. Now you can know where the hits are coming from and how many.

Advanced Search Machine
Tired of going from search engine to search engine for the stuff you want? ASM will search all the search engines for you so now you can site back and relax while the real search begins.

Do you have AOL? Are you tired of getting kick off your connection from walking away from your computer to go to the bathroom? AntiTimer will keep your line active so AOL will think you're bustin' a move always. Never get kicked off again!

Ativa DUN Meter
This meter will show you how long you've been online, checks your bandwidth, and shows how much data is transfering back and forth.

This nifty program lets you know when your favorite Web sites update their information.

Connection Manager
Set your downloads and Connection Manager will automatically cut off your Internet connection when it is complete.

Cookie Eater
Do you know about all the cookies on your hard drive? Maybe you should download this program and get rid of all those cookies that you don't need. You may be suprised where you computer has been!

Easy Search
Search all the search engines at once so you get better results.

Macromedia Shockwave Player
Get the most out of your Internet experience, and download the Shockwave player today. Includes the latest version of Flash player (Flash=graphically talented web design).

Remote Administrator
Control your pc from away. Have you ever wanted to get an email address, phone #, or a file from your pc at home, but you're in Belize! Well now you can. You can even work on your computer in real time as if you were at home working directly on it.

This program provides a secure Web based connection to a remote computer of yours. No matter where you are, you can still access files and data at home from where ever.





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